Get your Teen Read Week T-shirt for just $10 and get a ticket to the banana split party, too!
*Quote Graffiti- Pick your favorite line from a book to graffiti on the sidewalk or the cafeteria walls
*Film a Book Trailer- Come in any time this week to film a short commercial for a book. Vids go on our YouTube and TeacherTube channel.
*Character Costume Day- Dress like a character from a book. Stop by the library to be photographed in your costume.
*Make a poster to celebrate your favorite book, author, or series.Posters must be turned in by the end of 5th period to count.
*The Read-In! During second and third periods. Come dressed in appropriate pajamas, bring your blanket, your pillow, and something good to read.
*The Ice Cream Party, during lunch for those who've earned tickets (poster contest, video, character costume, bought a t-shirt)
*The Talon Awards announced
*Costume, video, and poster contest award winners announced.
Cant Wait