- Draco Malfoy and Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. And basically, everybody from Slytherin.
- "Wet" Lindsay from the Georgia Nicholson series
- Roland from Unwind.....even though ;)
- Mr. Collins and Lady de Bourgh from Pride and Prejudice...oh, and Lydia!
- Penelope from The Luxe (Like to lock her in a room with Lindsay)
- Holden Caufield from The Catcher in the Rye (soooo whiny)
- Bob Ewell from To Kill a Mockingbird
- Mrs. Coulter from the His Dark Materials series (evil, EVIL golden monkey!)
- Every single character in Tunnels by Roderick Gordon. No, seriously. I mean ALL of them.
- Wen Fu from The Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan
- Tradd St. Croix from The Lords of Discipline (Such a weenie)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Listy, Listy: Characters I'd like to smack
Hmmm, how about a list of characters I'd like to smack, lol?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving Reading
One of the best things about Thanksgiving break week was the chance to settle in on the couch for a nice, long reading session each day. Here's what I read and thought:
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
I really took my time with this one, not because I didn't like it but because the story was complex, with rich word choice and alternating points of view. It's sort of like The Maze Runner in that the main characters don't know what's going on in their world. Their confusion is your confusion and that's....confusing!
Incarceron is this seemingly vast prison controlled by some sort of computer? superhuman? consciousness. More than a century ago, all of the society's misbehavers were sealed inside in what was supposed to be a Utopian environment, designed to rehabilitate them. Something went badly wrong though, because Incarceron is a hell. Teen protagonist Finn is trapped inside, his mind wiped of any early memories, but he just knows he comes from the mythical "outside". Only one man has ever escaped Incarceron, the legendary and perhaps fictional Sapphique. The prison warden's daughter Claudia is outside, equally trapped by a pending arranged marriage to a slimy weasel of a guy she doesn't love. In her world, everybody lives according to the "protocol", which means pretending like it's1840...no electronic technology at all. It's a Disneyesque steampunk version of society where the privileged class uses technology in secret while everyone else rides around on horses and does laundry in a tub.
Finn finds a key, Claudia finds a key and they realize they can communicate with each other. There are enough plot twists for three novels but it's really the well-drawn characters that kept me turning pages, wanting more. The sequel, Sapphique, comes out December 28th and I'm counting on getting it as a post-Christmas gift.
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
I can't begin to tell you how much better I like this book than The Red Pyramid. It restored my faith in Rick Riordan as a great storyteller, not just a sellout looking to cash in on previous success. Yeah, I was thinking that. The new kids at Camp Half Blood are terrific characters. Leo was my favorite. He's a wisecracking guy from Houston who will make you laugh yet break your heart with his back story about losing his mother. Many Percy Jackson characters return, including Thalia and Annabeth. Percy himself is missing and you won't believe where he's suspected to be!
The action is fast and not at all predictable (unlike Red Pyramid which made me think, "been there, done that"). The new baddies are either terrifying, hilarious, or both (King Midas, I'm talkin' to you!). The ending is a complete surprise, setting up next fall's sequel.
Come in to the library and we can argue about Piper. I can't decide if she embodies female empowerment or female stereotypes. Thalia invites her to join the Hunters of Artemis so that counts for a lot!
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
I really took my time with this one, not because I didn't like it but because the story was complex, with rich word choice and alternating points of view. It's sort of like The Maze Runner in that the main characters don't know what's going on in their world. Their confusion is your confusion and that's....confusing!
Incarceron is this seemingly vast prison controlled by some sort of computer? superhuman? consciousness. More than a century ago, all of the society's misbehavers were sealed inside in what was supposed to be a Utopian environment, designed to rehabilitate them. Something went badly wrong though, because Incarceron is a hell. Teen protagonist Finn is trapped inside, his mind wiped of any early memories, but he just knows he comes from the mythical "outside". Only one man has ever escaped Incarceron, the legendary and perhaps fictional Sapphique. The prison warden's daughter Claudia is outside, equally trapped by a pending arranged marriage to a slimy weasel of a guy she doesn't love. In her world, everybody lives according to the "protocol", which means pretending like it's1840...no electronic technology at all. It's a Disneyesque steampunk version of society where the privileged class uses technology in secret while everyone else rides around on horses and does laundry in a tub.
Finn finds a key, Claudia finds a key and they realize they can communicate with each other. There are enough plot twists for three novels but it's really the well-drawn characters that kept me turning pages, wanting more. The sequel, Sapphique, comes out December 28th and I'm counting on getting it as a post-Christmas gift.
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
I can't begin to tell you how much better I like this book than The Red Pyramid. It restored my faith in Rick Riordan as a great storyteller, not just a sellout looking to cash in on previous success. Yeah, I was thinking that. The new kids at Camp Half Blood are terrific characters. Leo was my favorite. He's a wisecracking guy from Houston who will make you laugh yet break your heart with his back story about losing his mother. Many Percy Jackson characters return, including Thalia and Annabeth. Percy himself is missing and you won't believe where he's suspected to be!
The action is fast and not at all predictable (unlike Red Pyramid which made me think, "been there, done that"). The new baddies are either terrifying, hilarious, or both (King Midas, I'm talkin' to you!). The ending is a complete surprise, setting up next fall's sequel.
Come in to the library and we can argue about Piper. I can't decide if she embodies female empowerment or female stereotypes. Thalia invites her to join the Hunters of Artemis so that counts for a lot!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Teen Read Week Pix
TRW 2010 has been happening all week here at MHS and it's been a blast. Here are some pics from various events. You can see more at the library's flckr page:
The LMC's Flckr photo page

The LMC's Flckr photo page

Monday, November 15, 2010
Teen Read Week Begins
More pictures will be up shortly on the library Flckr page. So many good quotes today!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Teen Read Week is Next Week at MHS!
Get your Teen Read Week T-shirt for just $10 and get a ticket to the banana split party, too!
*Quote Graffiti- Pick your favorite line from a book to graffiti on the sidewalk or the cafeteria walls
*Film a Book Trailer- Come in any time this week to film a short commercial for a book. Vids go on our YouTube and TeacherTube channel.
*Character Costume Day- Dress like a character from a book. Stop by the library to be photographed in your costume.
*Make a poster to celebrate your favorite book, author, or series.Posters must be turned in by the end of 5th period to count.
*The Read-In! During second and third periods. Come dressed in appropriate pajamas, bring your blanket, your pillow, and something good to read.
*The Ice Cream Party, during lunch for those who've earned tickets (poster contest, video, character costume, bought a t-shirt)
*The Talon Awards announced
*Costume, video, and poster contest award winners announced.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Soundtrack in your head? I Adore Paramore for the Hunger Games
Did reading a book ever make you think of a song? In my case, some books make a whole soundtrack play in my brain. Take the Hunger Games, for example. There are so many suspenseful, dramatic moments that deserve a song! Here's my mental soundtrack:
Let the Flames Begin by Paramore
Bodies by Drowning Pool
Quiet in My Town by Civil Twilight (I stole this idea from Shelby H!)
Bomb by Band of Skulls
This Is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars (assist to Shelby)
The Collector by Nine Inch Nails (Uh, Shelby again!)
Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace (S....because he's better at this than I am!!!)
I Stand Alone by Godsmack
The Times are a Changing by Bob Dylan (Yes, this was S, not me even though it's old)
She Is by The Fray (Good Katniss tune)
Cut by Plumb (Katniss and Peeta)
Die by the Drop by The Dead Weather
Long Way Down by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (Haymitch)
Add your own ideas in comments below...
Let the Flames Begin by Paramore
Bodies by Drowning Pool
Quiet in My Town by Civil Twilight (I stole this idea from Shelby H!)
Bomb by Band of Skulls
This Is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars (assist to Shelby)
The Collector by Nine Inch Nails (Uh, Shelby again!)
Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace (S....because he's better at this than I am!!!)
I Stand Alone by Godsmack
The Times are a Changing by Bob Dylan (Yes, this was S, not me even though it's old)
She Is by The Fray (Good Katniss tune)
Cut by Plumb (Katniss and Peeta)
Die by the Drop by The Dead Weather
Long Way Down by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (Haymitch)
Add your own ideas in comments below...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The News!!!!!!
Most of you have heard it by now but I'm gonna blog it anyway....Neal Shusterman is coming to Melissa High School!
That's right, readers. The author of Unwind (2009 Talon award winner), Everlost, Downsiders, Full Tilt, and so many more of our favorites will be here...in the MHS library...in person...talking to you!
So here's my challenge to you. Are you Neal's biggest fan here at MHS? If so, you can prove it and win a front row seat to his presentation and an autographed copy of Unwind. And when I say front row, I mean first class front row. You and a friend of your choice will be seated on a couch or recliner and be provided with snacks and sodas for the event. How do you earn it? Easy. Blog about the Shusterman books you've read. Those who blog the most and the best (as decided by an impartial jury of your English teachers) will win. See your English teacher or me, Mrs. Niche, to get your blog set up.
Neal Shusterman!
That's right, readers. The author of Unwind (2009 Talon award winner), Everlost, Downsiders, Full Tilt, and so many more of our favorites will be here...in the MHS library...in person...talking to you!
So here's my challenge to you. Are you Neal's biggest fan here at MHS? If so, you can prove it and win a front row seat to his presentation and an autographed copy of Unwind. And when I say front row, I mean first class front row. You and a friend of your choice will be seated on a couch or recliner and be provided with snacks and sodas for the event. How do you earn it? Easy. Blog about the Shusterman books you've read. Those who blog the most and the best (as decided by an impartial jury of your English teachers) will win. See your English teacher or me, Mrs. Niche, to get your blog set up.
Neal Shusterman!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wolves of Mercy Falls Update...book 3 is finished!
Just read an interview with Maggie Stiefvater, author of Shiver and Linger. She's finished writing book 3 and it will be called Forever. Can't wait to get more about Sam and Grace. It will be out in July 2011. Much too long to wait.
I was interested to find out that she did quite a bit of research about wolves while writing Shiver. She said that the real research, however, was to develop the medical explanation of the wolves (don't want to give away too much here!). I also found out that she was a musician who counts on music from her iPOD to keep her grounded while writing. You can read the interview at http://www.flr.follett.com/intro/btb-stiefvater.html
Her website: http://www.maggiestiefvater.com/index.php
I was interested to find out that she did quite a bit of research about wolves while writing Shiver. She said that the real research, however, was to develop the medical explanation of the wolves (don't want to give away too much here!). I also found out that she was a musician who counts on music from her iPOD to keep her grounded while writing. You can read the interview at http://www.flr.follett.com/intro/btb-stiefvater.html
Her website: http://www.maggiestiefvater.com/index.php
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Darren Shan writes Cirque du Freak Prequel!
It's the book all you Shan fans have been dreaming of. The Saga of Larten Crepsley tells the story of how Mr. Crepsely became a vampire. Here's what Darren Shan's website says:
Larten Crepsley's life as a human ends one grey day in the factory where he has worked since he was eight years old... and his life as a vampire begins! The first of a four book series, this charts Larten's years as a vampire's assistant, and his formative experiences once he is blooded. We meet some familiar faces from The Saga Of Darren Shan, along with some new characters who were instrumental in his growth. It all starts here!!
Yesyesyes, it is on the October book order. Duh, 3 copies! Shan also has another book out called The Thin Executioner. It's on order, too.
Larten Crepsley's life as a human ends one grey day in the factory where he has worked since he was eight years old... and his life as a vampire begins! The first of a four book series, this charts Larten's years as a vampire's assistant, and his formative experiences once he is blooded. We meet some familiar faces from The Saga Of Darren Shan, along with some new characters who were instrumental in his growth. It all starts here!!
Yesyesyes, it is on the October book order. Duh, 3 copies! Shan also has another book out called The Thin Executioner. It's on order, too.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
First Week of School
It's Sunday night and I'm still recovering! You guys kept the library busy this week. It was terrific to see y'all, especially since you were eager to get your hands on books. No book was more in demand then Mockingjay, of course. I ran out at lunch time Tuesday and scored 4 copies. I honestly could've used 40. Besides MJ, you were eager to read City of Bones by Clare, anything at all by Ellen Hopkins, Unwind by Shusterman, Hush, Hush by Fitzpatrick, the Vladimir Tod series (8th Grade Bites, etc.), Riordan's new book The Red Pyramid, and Linger by Stiefvater.
It's so cool that you come in knowing what you want! Nearly 500 books were checked out this week.
It's so cool that you come in knowing what you want! Nearly 500 books were checked out this week.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Ready to read?
Can you believe school starts this Monday? I'm psyched to see you all and hear what you've been reading. Make sure to bring me any ideas you have for new books....I'm getting ready to order and I've already got hundreds of hot new titles on my list including:
- Mockingjay (August 24th!)
- Crescendo (sequel to Hush, Hush)
- Torment (Fallen series)
- Everwild (Skinjacker trilogy)
- Linger (sequel to Shiver)
- Twelfth Grade Kills (Vladimir Tod series, September 21st)
- Burned (House of Night series)
- Halt's Peril (Ranger's Apprentice #9)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
My summer reading so far
- The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan....meh. Lacks the power of the Lightning Thief. Stock characters.
- Relentless by Dean Koontz.....ridiculous concept but good and scary.
- Every Day in Tuscany by Frances Mayes....Just getting into it. I want to visit Tuscany soooo much.
- Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich....Hilarious, loved it. Hate waiting a year for 17 though. BTW, this is not a teen book.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Top Books of 2009-2010
And the winners are.....
10. Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
9. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
8. Burned by ellen Hopkins
7. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
6. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
5. Identical by Ellen Hopkins
4. Crank by Ellen Hopkins
3. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
1. Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Honorable Mention: Thirteen Reasons Why (Jay Asher), Lord Loss (Darren Shan), Battle of the Labyrinth (Riordan), Slawter (Shan), Cirque du Freak (Shan), Marked (P.C. and Kristin Cast), Impulse (Hopkins), Hush, Hush (Becca Fitzpatrick), Firestorm (David Klass), The Host (Meyer), Just Listen (Sarah Dessen)
10. Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
9. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
8. Burned by ellen Hopkins
7. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
6. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
5. Identical by Ellen Hopkins
4. Crank by Ellen Hopkins
3. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
1. Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Honorable Mention: Thirteen Reasons Why (Jay Asher), Lord Loss (Darren Shan), Battle of the Labyrinth (Riordan), Slawter (Shan), Cirque du Freak (Shan), Marked (P.C. and Kristin Cast), Impulse (Hopkins), Hush, Hush (Becca Fitzpatrick), Firestorm (David Klass), The Host (Meyer), Just Listen (Sarah Dessen)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Party on Reading Beach

Reading Beach is a chance to kick back and read outdoors on the lawn behind the library during English class time. Bring your sunscreen, your blanket or lawn chair, and something great to read. I'll provide cold drinks and music.
Such a great deal!
Friday, May 21, 2010
What are you reading this summer?

One of the great joys of summer is having the time to laze about reading all the stuff that's been piling up on my bedstand. I'll share the list of what I can't wait to read by the pool....feel free to share yours in comments below. Disclaimer: Some of my books are rated for adults, not Young Adult!
- Sizzling Sixteen (The new Stephanie Plum book from Janet Evanovich)
- The Short Second LIfe of Bree Tanner (Stephenie Meyer, 'nuff said)
- An Echo in the Bone (The new Outlanders book from Diana Gabaldon...Jamie!)
- The Red Pyramid (The new Rick Riordan book...started already)
- Mockinjay (Technically we will be back at school when it comes out but I am so excited about it that I included it....August 24th!!!)
- Linger (The sequel to Shiver which I liked but didn't love)
- Every Day in Tuscany by Frances Mayes (A perfect chill out for summer book)
- I'll Be Mature When I'm Dead (Dave Barry...funniest guy ever)
- Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane
- With The Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa (Non fiction about WWII in the Pacific)
Monday, May 3, 2010
May Book Club Starting

Like to read and talk about what you're reading? Want to participate in a podcast or a video? Want to have your own blog to share your reading rants with the world? Then Booktalkers, Melissa High School's book club, might be for you.
Come to the library during lunch next Monday, May 10th, to join in. We will meet both lunches but just come to yours please :)
We will pick book(s), decide on projects, and make plans!
Be there.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Girls Only: Fictional Guys We Love
Not long ago, I found some Facebook flair that made me laugh. It read "Fictional boys are so much better". Hee. It's kind of a "duh" since they are um, fictional. Real boys come with way more baggage and issues. OK, Edward Cullen has a lot of issues but at least he's really, really pretty! It started me thinking about all the fictional boys we've loved over the past few years. I'll start the list. You can add and/or debate.
Dave the Laugh from Angus, Thongs (Louise Rennison)
Robbie from Angus, Thongs
Massimo from Angus, Thongs
Sam from Shiver (Maggie Stiefvater)
Ethan from Beautiful Creatures (Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl)
Patch from Hush, Hush (Becca Fitzpatrick)
Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Bobby from First Part Last (Angela Johnson)
Miles from Looking for Alaska (John Green)
Henry Schoonmaker from The Luxe (Anna Godberson)
Will Keller from The Luxe
Ponyboy from The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton)
Dallas from The Outsiders
Marcus from Little Brother (Cory Doctorow)
Peeta from The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
Gale from The Hunger Games
Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Legolas from The Lord of the Rings
Edward Cullen from Twilight (Stephenie Meyer)
Emmett from Twilight
Jacob Black from Twilight
Julio from Romiette and Julio (Sharon Draper)
Jack from Firestorm (David Klass)
Gerald from Forged by Fire (Sharon Draper)
Harry Potter from Harry Potter (JK Rowling)
Ron Weasley from Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter
James Potter from Harry Potter
Kartik from A Great and Terrible Beauty (Libba Bray)
Dexter from This Lullaby (Sarah dessen)
Dimitri from The Vampire Academy Series (Richelle Mead)
David from The Uglies (Scott Westerfeld)
Bobby Pendragon in The Merchant of Death (D.J. MacHale)
Seth from Wicked Lovely (Melissa Marr)
Jace from City of Bones (Cassandra Clare)
John from Dear John (Nicholas Sparks)
Will Blakelee from The Last Song (Nicholas Sparks)
Fang from Maximum Ride (James Patterson)
Kyra H added:
Jude from Skinned (Robin Wasserman)
Eli from The Compound (S.A. Bodeen)
Who else?
p.s.- Kyle E would like to add that he really hates this post ;)
Dave the Laugh from Angus, Thongs (Louise Rennison)
Robbie from Angus, Thongs
Massimo from Angus, Thongs
Sam from Shiver (Maggie Stiefvater)
Ethan from Beautiful Creatures (Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl)
Patch from Hush, Hush (Becca Fitzpatrick)
Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Bobby from First Part Last (Angela Johnson)
Miles from Looking for Alaska (John Green)
Henry Schoonmaker from The Luxe (Anna Godberson)
Will Keller from The Luxe
Ponyboy from The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton)
Dallas from The Outsiders
Marcus from Little Brother (Cory Doctorow)
Peeta from The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
Gale from The Hunger Games
Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Legolas from The Lord of the Rings
Edward Cullen from Twilight (Stephenie Meyer)
Emmett from Twilight
Jacob Black from Twilight
Julio from Romiette and Julio (Sharon Draper)
Jack from Firestorm (David Klass)
Gerald from Forged by Fire (Sharon Draper)
Harry Potter from Harry Potter (JK Rowling)
Ron Weasley from Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter
James Potter from Harry Potter
Kartik from A Great and Terrible Beauty (Libba Bray)
Dexter from This Lullaby (Sarah dessen)
Dimitri from The Vampire Academy Series (Richelle Mead)
David from The Uglies (Scott Westerfeld)
Bobby Pendragon in The Merchant of Death (D.J. MacHale)
Seth from Wicked Lovely (Melissa Marr)
Jace from City of Bones (Cassandra Clare)
John from Dear John (Nicholas Sparks)
Will Blakelee from The Last Song (Nicholas Sparks)
Fang from Maximum Ride (James Patterson)
Kyra H added:
Jude from Skinned (Robin Wasserman)
Eli from The Compound (S.A. Bodeen)
Who else?
p.s.- Kyle E would like to add that he really hates this post ;)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
New Cory Doctorow Book
Fans of Little Brother rejoice. we get a new Cory Doctorow book May 11th. I can't summarize For the Win any better than the Amazon reviewer since I haven't read it yet (grrr, no advance reader copy!) so I'll link that blurb here.
I love that one of the characters is called Big Sister...hahaha, all you juniors reading 1984 will pick up on the reference I'm sure. The story is very plausible to me. My son and I are avid gamers and when we were into Star Wars Galaxies, we totally spent real money on virtual goods (I got an uber pistol on ebay, as I recall). I never considered that some kid in a third world country might have been grinding jobs in the game in a sweatshop. It might not sound like a bad gig getting to play online games for hours on end but speaking as a person who spent much of one entire summer shooting whomp rats....it is mind-numbing work at best. That's why we would go on ebay and buy weapons, armor, money, and even characters (Jedi!) somebody else had leveled up. Virtual economies are real.
I've got this on pre-order from Amazon. Can't wait!
I love that one of the characters is called Big Sister...hahaha, all you juniors reading 1984 will pick up on the reference I'm sure. The story is very plausible to me. My son and I are avid gamers and when we were into Star Wars Galaxies, we totally spent real money on virtual goods (I got an uber pistol on ebay, as I recall). I never considered that some kid in a third world country might have been grinding jobs in the game in a sweatshop. It might not sound like a bad gig getting to play online games for hours on end but speaking as a person who spent much of one entire summer shooting whomp rats....it is mind-numbing work at best. That's why we would go on ebay and buy weapons, armor, money, and even characters (Jedi!) somebody else had leveled up. Virtual economies are real.
I've got this on pre-order from Amazon. Can't wait!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
New John Green Book!
I've got it and you can't have it (yet)! It's called Will Grayson, Will Grayson and it just arrived in the library yesterday. John Green, of course, is the author of some of our favorite books in the MHSLMC: Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and Let it Snow. Like Let it Snow, the new book was written collaboratively. John Green and David Levithan write alternating chapters about two guys who share the same name. I love David Levithan's books (Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Ten Things I Hate About You, etc.) so I am really, really, really looking forward to getting into Will Grayson, Will Grayson. You can't have it 'til Monday!
Monday, April 12, 2010
U2 by U2
Back in the dark ages of 1983, I fell hard for the boys of U2. Bono, who sang with the voice of a tortured angel. The Edge, shredding soaring anthems like "Sunday, Bloody Sunday", creating that other-worldly sound. Adam, whose majestic bass rolled and thumped through "New Year's Day". Larry, unsmiling, his sticks firing off gun shots that transported you to a Belfast alley. Nearly 30 years later, I'm still in love and still fascinated with all things U2.
Our new biography, U2 by U2, takes you from the band's beginnings in the suburbs of Dublin all the way through their monster international success. I laughed out loud to hear Bono's account of how they all answered an ad Larry posted (Band members wanted) and how none of them could really play. The self-deprecating humor makes what could be an ego trip a great deal of fun to read. If you want to hear the story of how four high school friends rocked the world, grab this book.
Our new biography, U2 by U2, takes you from the band's beginnings in the suburbs of Dublin all the way through their monster international success. I laughed out loud to hear Bono's account of how they all answered an ad Larry posted (Band members wanted) and how none of them could really play. The self-deprecating humor makes what could be an ego trip a great deal of fun to read. If you want to hear the story of how four high school friends rocked the world, grab this book.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
New from Stephenie Meyer!
How did I not know about this until now? Meyer's new novella (short novel) is called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and it goes on sale June 5th. You remember Bree from Eclipse, right? Ha ha, neither did I! She was one of the newborns who tried to kill Bella and the Cullens in Eclipse. Part of the money Meyer earns from this project will go to the American Red Cross. It will also available as a FREE download at from June 7th to July 5th at http://www.breetanner.com/. I'm going to buy it though so I can add it to my set.
Here's part of what Stephenie Meyer says about Bree Tanner on her website:
Here's part of what Stephenie Meyer says about Bree Tanner on her website:
"Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it's a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree's perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn.
This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. Later, when the concept for The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide came up, I thought that might be a good place for Bree. Her story is a nice complement to Eclipse; it explains a lot of the things that Bella never knew. So I dusted it off and finished it up for placement in the Guide."Can't wait! Visit http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/ for more info.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Stuff about the New Books
Here's some details....
Captivate by Carrie Jones is the sequel to the 2008 book Need. Norse/Viking mythology mix with romance, evil pixies, and adventure in this series. Protaganist Zara is Bella Swan without the whiny angst. She's caught in a very interesting love triangle with Nick and pixie king Astley. The surprising humor makes this book stand out from other fantasy/supernatural romances.
Ally Carter, author of the Gallagher Girls books (I'd Tell You I Love You But I'd Have to Kill You, etc.) is back with High Society, the first book in a new series featuring con-artist/thief Kat who is trying to escape her crooked family by attending a preppy boarding school. When her dad is accused of stealing a pile of famous paintings, Kat must clear him by stealing them back from the real thief! The action spills across Europe as Kat and her Ocean's Eleven style teen crew plan heists, solve mysteries, and deal with romance. You will be begging for a sequel.
OK, I get this one first! I haven't read it yet but it sounds amazing. Incarceron is a huge, state of the art prison housing all of societies "undesirables". Amnesiac Finn is trapped inside but senses he doesn't belong there. Warden's daughter Claudia is about to be forced into an arranged marriage...both characters are trapped in a sense. A crystal key may mean freedom for them both. Incarceron is a strange world with metal trees and all-seeing cameras. Claudia's world is even stranger...a 17th century run by computers. Oh, I love Steam punk! I'll read it fast, promise.
Captivate by Carrie Jones is the sequel to the 2008 book Need. Norse/Viking mythology mix with romance, evil pixies, and adventure in this series. Protaganist Zara is Bella Swan without the whiny angst. She's caught in a very interesting love triangle with Nick and pixie king Astley. The surprising humor makes this book stand out from other fantasy/supernatural romances.
Ally Carter, author of the Gallagher Girls books (I'd Tell You I Love You But I'd Have to Kill You, etc.) is back with High Society, the first book in a new series featuring con-artist/thief Kat who is trying to escape her crooked family by attending a preppy boarding school. When her dad is accused of stealing a pile of famous paintings, Kat must clear him by stealing them back from the real thief! The action spills across Europe as Kat and her Ocean's Eleven style teen crew plan heists, solve mysteries, and deal with romance. You will be begging for a sequel.
OK, I get this one first! I haven't read it yet but it sounds amazing. Incarceron is a huge, state of the art prison housing all of societies "undesirables". Amnesiac Finn is trapped inside but senses he doesn't belong there. Warden's daughter Claudia is about to be forced into an arranged marriage...both characters are trapped in a sense. A crystal key may mean freedom for them both. Incarceron is a strange world with metal trees and all-seeing cameras. Claudia's world is even stranger...a 17th century run by computers. Oh, I love Steam punk! I'll read it fast, promise.
New Books on Their Way: The List
Here's what's coming to the library within the next few days (note that some are extras copies of books we already have. Oh, and sorry about the lack of proper capitalization...I copied and pasted the list!):
Reality check by Abrahams, Peter
The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian by Alexie, Sherman
Fullmetal alchemist. 20 by Arakawa, Hiromu
Fullmetal alchemist. 21 by Arakawa, Hiromu
Token of darkness by Atwater-Rhodes
Freeze frame by Ayarbe, Heidi
ArchEnemy by Beddor, Frank
When the game was ours by Bird, Larry and "Magic" Johnson
My invented life by Bjorkman, Lauren
The poison eaters and other stories by Black, Holly
Eleventh grade burns by Brewer, Heather
The zombie survival guide by Brooks, Max
The year we disappeared by Busby, Cylin
Heist society by Carter, Ally
Cool like that : a so for real novel by Carter, Nikki
Fire by Cashore, Kristen
Oh. my. gods. by Childs, Tera Lynn
Prom dates from Hell by Clement-Moore, Rosemary
Sweet little lies by Conrad, Lauren
The singer of all songs by Constable,Kate
The tenth power by Constable,Kate
The waterless sea by Constable, Kate
They never came back by Cooney, Caroline
Box out by Coy, John
The stolen one by Crowley, Suzanne
Elyon by Dekker, Ted
Lunatic by Dekker, Ted
Posh and prejudice by Dent, Grace
The dark Divine by Despain, Bree
Incarceron by Fisher, Catherine
Hush, hush by Fitzpatrick, Becca
You don't even know me by Flake, Sharon
Erak's ransom by Flanagan,John
Beautiful creatures by Garcia, Kami
White heat by Grant, K.M.
Hourglass by Gray, Claudia
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by Green, John
Looking for Alaska by Green, John
The 48 laws of power by Greene, Robert
Vampire knight. Vol. 9 by Hino, Matsuri
Newes from the dead by Hooper, Mary
Snakehead (Alex Rider ) by Horowitz,Anthony
Prada and prejudice by Hubbard, Amanda
The secret year by Hubbard, Jennifer
Un segundo perdido by Hulme, John
The everafter by Huntley, A
Sweet, hereafter by Johnson, Angela
Scarlett fever by Johnson, Maureen
Captivate by Jones, Carrie
Stolen car by Jones, Pat
The mist by King, Stephen
Naruto. Vol.22 by Kishimoto
Naruto. Vol.23 by Kishimoto
Naruto. Vol.24 by Kishimoto
Naruto. Vol. 25 by Kishimoto
The silver kiss by Klause, Andrew
The last thing I remember by Klavan, Andrew
The long way home by Klavan, Andrew
Bleach. 10 by Kubo, Tite
Bleach. 29 by Kubo, Tite
Tender morsels by Lanagan, Margo
Darklight by Livingston, Lesley
Wondrous strange by Livingston, Lesley
The carbon diaries 2015 by Lloyd, Saci
Tangled by Mackler, Caroyln
The swan kingdom by Marriott, Zoe
Sophomore switch by McDonald, Abby
Gone by McMann, Lisa
Lockdown by Myers, Walter Dean
Gentlemen by Northrop, Michael
Why I fight : a novel by Oaks, J. A
Death note. Vol. 10 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 6 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 7 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 8 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 9 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Witch & wizard by Patterson, James
Woods runner by Paulsen, Gary
We were here by Pena, Matt
Mercy by Picoult, Jodi
Streams of Babel by Plum-Ucci, Carol
Silver phoenix by Pon, Cindy
Just one wish by Rallison, Janette
The sea of monsters Riordan, Rick
Surface tension by Runyon, Brent
The dead-tossed waves by Ryan, Carrie
Last night I sang to the Monster by Saenz, Benjamin
The pillow book of Lotus Lowenstein by Schmais, Libby
Immortal by Shields, Gillian
Gateway by Shinn, Sharon
Intertwined by Showalter,Gena
Everwild by Shusterman, Neal
Struts and frets by Skovron, Jon
Nightfall(Vampire Diaries) by Smith, L J
Shadow Souls (Vampire Diaries) by Smith, L.J
Whiteout by Sorrells, Walter
Yeah! yeah! yeah!:the Beatles by Spitz, Bob
The help by Stockett, Kathryn
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 10 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 11 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 12 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 13 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 14 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 15 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 6 by Toriyama
Street pharm by Van Diepen, Allison
Exposed by Vaught, Susan
The hand you're dealt by Volponi, Paul
Homestretch by Volponi, Paul
Rikers High by Volponi, Paul
Num8ers by Ward, Rachel
Is it still cheating if I Don’t Get Caught? by Weinstein, Bruce
The well by Whitten, A.J.
Funny how things change by Wyatt, Mel
The Monstrumologist by Yancey, Rick
U2 by U2 by Bono et. al
Reality check by Abrahams, Peter
The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian by Alexie, Sherman
Fullmetal alchemist. 20 by Arakawa, Hiromu
Fullmetal alchemist. 21 by Arakawa, Hiromu
Token of darkness by Atwater-Rhodes
Freeze frame by Ayarbe, Heidi
ArchEnemy by Beddor, Frank
When the game was ours by Bird, Larry and "Magic" Johnson
My invented life by Bjorkman, Lauren
The poison eaters and other stories by Black, Holly
Eleventh grade burns by Brewer, Heather
The zombie survival guide by Brooks, Max
The year we disappeared by Busby, Cylin
Heist society by Carter, Ally
Cool like that : a so for real novel by Carter, Nikki
Fire by Cashore, Kristen
Oh. my. gods. by Childs, Tera Lynn
Prom dates from Hell by Clement-Moore, Rosemary
Sweet little lies by Conrad, Lauren
The singer of all songs by Constable,Kate
The tenth power by Constable,Kate
The waterless sea by Constable, Kate
They never came back by Cooney, Caroline
Box out by Coy, John
The stolen one by Crowley, Suzanne
Elyon by Dekker, Ted
Lunatic by Dekker, Ted
Posh and prejudice by Dent, Grace
The dark Divine by Despain, Bree
Incarceron by Fisher, Catherine
Hush, hush by Fitzpatrick, Becca
You don't even know me by Flake, Sharon
Erak's ransom by Flanagan,John
Beautiful creatures by Garcia, Kami
White heat by Grant, K.M.
Hourglass by Gray, Claudia
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by Green, John
Looking for Alaska by Green, John
The 48 laws of power by Greene, Robert
Vampire knight. Vol. 9 by Hino, Matsuri
Newes from the dead by Hooper, Mary
Snakehead (Alex Rider ) by Horowitz,Anthony
Prada and prejudice by Hubbard, Amanda
The secret year by Hubbard, Jennifer
Un segundo perdido by Hulme, John
The everafter by Huntley, A
Sweet, hereafter by Johnson, Angela
Scarlett fever by Johnson, Maureen
Captivate by Jones, Carrie
Stolen car by Jones, Pat
The mist by King, Stephen
Naruto. Vol.22 by Kishimoto
Naruto. Vol.23 by Kishimoto
Naruto. Vol.24 by Kishimoto
Naruto. Vol. 25 by Kishimoto
The silver kiss by Klause, Andrew
The last thing I remember by Klavan, Andrew
The long way home by Klavan, Andrew
Bleach. 10 by Kubo, Tite
Bleach. 29 by Kubo, Tite
Tender morsels by Lanagan, Margo
Darklight by Livingston, Lesley
Wondrous strange by Livingston, Lesley
The carbon diaries 2015 by Lloyd, Saci
Tangled by Mackler, Caroyln
The swan kingdom by Marriott, Zoe
Sophomore switch by McDonald, Abby
Gone by McMann, Lisa
Lockdown by Myers, Walter Dean
Gentlemen by Northrop, Michael
Why I fight : a novel by Oaks, J. A
Death note. Vol. 10 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 6 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 7 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 8 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Death note. Vol. 9 by Ohba, Tsugumi
Witch & wizard by Patterson, James
Woods runner by Paulsen, Gary
We were here by Pena, Matt
Mercy by Picoult, Jodi
Streams of Babel by Plum-Ucci, Carol
Silver phoenix by Pon, Cindy
Just one wish by Rallison, Janette
The sea of monsters Riordan, Rick
Surface tension by Runyon, Brent
The dead-tossed waves by Ryan, Carrie
Last night I sang to the Monster by Saenz, Benjamin
The pillow book of Lotus Lowenstein by Schmais, Libby
Immortal by Shields, Gillian
Gateway by Shinn, Sharon
Intertwined by Showalter,Gena
Everwild by Shusterman, Neal
Struts and frets by Skovron, Jon
Nightfall(Vampire Diaries) by Smith, L J
Shadow Souls (Vampire Diaries) by Smith, L.J
Whiteout by Sorrells, Walter
Yeah! yeah! yeah!:the Beatles by Spitz, Bob
The help by Stockett, Kathryn
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 10 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 11 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 12 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 13 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 14 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 15 by Toriyama
Dragon Ball Z. Vol. 6 by Toriyama
Street pharm by Van Diepen, Allison
Exposed by Vaught, Susan
The hand you're dealt by Volponi, Paul
Homestretch by Volponi, Paul
Rikers High by Volponi, Paul
Num8ers by Ward, Rachel
Is it still cheating if I Don’t Get Caught? by Weinstein, Bruce
The well by Whitten, A.J.
Funny how things change by Wyatt, Mel
The Monstrumologist by Yancey, Rick
U2 by U2 by Bono et. al
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Beastly Coming to Big Screen
Texas author Alex Flinn's popular retelling of the Beauty and the Beast story is being made into a movie.
Official web site: When a spell is cast on a handsome egocentric young man (Alex Pettyfer) that physically transforms him into everything he despises, he has one year to find a young woman (Vanessa Hudgens) who will love him despite his hideous form or the spell will last forever.
Alex Pettyfer was in that lame version of Stormbreaker (Alex rider series), wasn't he? Let's hope he is not a curse on young adult fiction. We'll see......
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Third Hunger Games Book is Announced

- Gale will die in some incredibly heroic way
- President Snow is going down to defeat!
- Peeta and Katniss will end up together with Peeta as the leader of a new, democratic government
- I don't see Haymitch surviving the story
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